Mask of the Month: Holiday Hand Puddin' Treatment

My hands before!  Dry and flaky! Heeeelp!
Like clockwork, by time the Holidays come around, my hands get really dry. Although I use plenty of hand lotion, I always have my hands in water and if I don't stay on top of it, the flaky tightness sets in. Here is a before pic (above) of my beat up mitts! They surely need some love!
A closeup of my "before' hands.
I whipped up this hand "puddin'" treatment to remedy the situation with some ingredients that were handy. The treatment includes a pre-treatment of a coconut sugar scrub, followed by the luxurious hand puddin'.

1T raw sugar (or just regular sugar works great, too)
A bit of coconut or olive oil

Mix ingredients in a small bowl to make a paste and massage onto DRY hands for about a minute. Rinse in lukewarm water and immediately apply hand puddin'

A closeup of my "after" hands.
Holiday Hand Puddin'
1 egg yolk
1t honey
1/2t coconut or olive oil
A splash of cream or goat milk (which is what I used)
A few drops of vanilla extract (just to stimulate the senses :) )

After - Soft and smooth again! Phew!
Whip all ingredients together in a small bowl and warm in the microwave for 5-10 seconds (any more and the egg yolk will start to cook). Apply to hands after using pre-treatment. It will be a bit runny. Wrap hands in plastic wrap or plastic food storage bags (you can also then slip on heated hand mitts if you have them), put on some of your favorite music, a soothing eye and/or neck pack and lie back and relax for 15 minutes. Unwrap hands and gently remove puddin' with a warm wet cloth, followed by a quick lukewarm rinse. Pat hands dry and while they are still damp, rub in some of the oil you used in the pre-treatment. Slip on some clean cotton gloves and kick back again to give the oil time to soak in. This is a great treatment to do at night so that you can leave the gloves on all night. It also works great on feet, too!!!
Here is an after pic of the same hand after the treatment. Much softer and way more hydrated! You can do this treatment as often as needed during the Winter months.

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